Usually buying a car in full means paying all the expenses in one lump sum.
Usually you need to pay the price of the naked car, purchase tax, license fee and insurance. You may not get the car immediately after paying the fee, and sometimes you have to wait a long time to get the car. The advantage of buying a car in full is that the funds are paid in one lump sum, there is no follow-up fee, and each fee is more open and transparent. Generally, people with financial ability will choose to buy a car in full.
The cost of buying a car with a loan is higher than the full amount, and it must be repaid as required every month. If you don't repay on time, you will be blacklisted. When choosing to buy a car, the full amount can save a lot of money. At the same time, the loan to buy a car is more complicated and needs approval, and it takes a while to lend money.