If you don't repay the loan on the same day, will it be ok the next day? What's the impact?
It can be said that many loan platforms have no grace period, and the repayment date is the final repayment period. Of course, if you don't return it on the same day, you can return it the next day. The borrower deposits the money into the repayment card, and the system deducts the money to recover the loan, and how much is deducted until the current arrears are fully deducted.
Although there is no repayment on the same day and the next day, if repayment is made after the repayment date, it will be recorded as overdue repayment by the loan platform. If the loan platform is connected to the central bank's credit information system, the borrower's credit information will be lost.
According to the new version of the Credit Information Regulations, lending institutions should report the overdue data collected to the credit information system at T+ 1, and there is no buffer period for repayment the next day. As long as it is overdue, it will leave a bad record on the credit investigation, and it will be five years before the credit investigation can be resumed.
In addition, the borrower will be charged a penalty interest for one day overdue. Most loan platforms calculate the penalty interest according to multiples of the normal loan interest rate. The longer the overdue period, the more interest. Not only that, the borrower's platform credit score will also drop because of this overdue, so it will not be so easy to borrow again next time.
The above is "can't I repay the loan the next day?" I hope it will help everyone.