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Writing Operating System Jobs in C Language or C++: Banker Algorithm
Deadlock free algorithm.

To explain the banker algorithm, we must first explain the safe state and unsafe state of the operating system.

Security status: If there are security sequences P 1, …, Pn composed of all processes in the system, the system is in a security status. The security state must be no deadlock.

Unsafe status: Security sequence does not exist. Unsafe state does not necessarily lead to deadlock.

So what is a secure sequence?

Secure sequence: The process sequence is secure. If for each process Pi( 1≤i≤n), the amount of resources it still needs in the future will not exceed the current remaining resources PJ (j) of the system and all processes.

Banker algorithm:

We can think of the operating system as a banker. The resources managed by the operating system are equivalent to the funds managed by the banker, and the process's request for allocating resources to the operating system is equivalent to the user's loan to the banker. The operating system allocates resources to processes according to the rules set by bankers. When a process applies for resources for the first time, it should test the maximum demand for resources. If the existing resources of the system can meet its maximum demand, the resources should be allocated according to the current application volume, otherwise the allocation will be postponed. When the process continues to apply for resources during the execution, it is first tested whether the sum of the resources occupied by the process and the resources applied for this time exceeds the maximum demand for resources by the process. If it is exceeded, it will refuse to allocate resources; If not, it will test whether the existing resources in the system can meet the maximum amount of resources still needed in the process; If possible, resources will be allocated according to the current application volume; Otherwise it will be postponed.


N: the total number of processes in the system

M: the total number of resource classes

Available: integers of array [1..m];

Max: an integer of array [1.. n, 1..m];

Allocation: integer of array [1..n, 1..m];

Expected: integer of array [1..n, 1..m];

Request: integer of array [1..n, 1..m];

Symbol description:

Available remaining resources

Maximum maximum demand

Allocate allocated resources

Need demand resources

Request for resources

When the process pi applies for resources, the system performs the following operations.

Step: ("=" is the assignment symbol, "= =" is the equal sign)

If requested, perform step (1)

Step (2) If required,

Step (3) Assuming that the system allocates resources, there are:

Available = available-request;

Allocation = allocation+request;

Need = need-request

If the new state of the system is safe, the allocation is complete.

If the new state of the system is unsafe, the original state is restored and the process waits.

For security check, define the data structure:

Work: Integer of array [1..m];

Completion: array [1 ... boolean n];

Steps of safety inspection:

Step (1):

Work = available;

Finish = false

Step (2) Find me:

a.Finish = = false

B. Need < = work;

If not, go to step (4)

Third step

Work = work+assignment;

Finish = true

Go to step (2)

Step (4) If the finish of all I's is true, the system is in a safe state, otherwise it is in an unsafe state.

/* Banker Algorithm, OS Concept 6th Edition.

Edited by Johnny hagen of SCAU, running in vc6.0.


# contains "malloc.h"

# contains "stdio.h"

# contains "stdlib.h"

# define alloy len sizeof (structure allocation)

#define maxlen sizeof(struct max)

# Define avalen sizeof (Structure Available)

# Define needlen sizeof (structural need)

# Define finilen sizeof (end of structure)

#define pathlen sizeof (structure path)

Structural distribution


Int value;

Structure allocation * next


Maximum structure


Int value;

struct max * next


Available structure/* Number of available resources */


Int value;

Structure available * next


Structural requirements/* Number of resources required */


Int value;

Structure needs * next.


Structural path


Int value;

Structure path * next


Structural completion


int stat

struct finish * next


int main()


int row,colum,status=0,I,j,t,temp,processtest

Structure allocation * allochhead, *alloc 1, *alloc2, * alloctemp.

struct max *maxhead,*maxium 1,*maxium2,* maxtemp

struct available *avahead,*available 1,*available2,*workhead,*work 1,*work2,*worktemp,* work temp 1;

struct need *needhead,*need 1,*need2,* needtemp

struct finish *finihead,*finish 1,*finish2,* finishtemp

Structure path * path header, * path 1, * path 2;

Printf ("\ nPlease enter the number of system resource types:");

scanf("%d ",& ampcolum);

Printf ("Please enter the number of processes currently in memory:");

Scanf("%d ",& platoon);

Printf ("Please enter the matrix of allocated resources: \ n");

for(I = 0; I< platoon; i++)


for(j = 0; j & ltcolumj++)


Printf ("Please enter %c system resources allocated to process p%d:", i,' a'+j);

If (status ==0)


allochead = alloc 1 = alloc 2 =(struct allocation *)malloc(alloclen);

alloc 1->next = alloc 2-& gt; next = NULL

scanf("%d ",& ampallochead-& gt; Value);





alloc 2 =(struct allocation *)malloc(alloclen);

Scanf("%d, %d ",& alloc2-> value);

If (status == 1)


allochead-& gt; next = alloc2



alloc 1->next = alloc2

alloc 1 = alloc 2;




alloc2->next = NULL

Status = 0;

Printf ("Please enter the maximum demand matrix: \ n");

for(I = 0; I< platoon; i++)


for(j = 0; j & ltcolumj++)


Printf ("Please enter the maximum system resource requirement of process p%d category %c:", i,' a'+j);

If (status ==0)


maxhead = maxium 1 = maxium 2 =(struct max *)malloc(maxlen);

maxium 1->; next = maxium 2-& gt; next = NULL

scanf("%d ",& ampmaxium 1->; Value);





maxium 2 =(struct max *)malloc(maxlen);

scanf("%d,%d ",& ampmaxium 2->; Value);

If (status == 1)


maxhead-& gt; next = maxium2



maxium 1->; next = maxium2

maxium 1 = maxium 2;




maxium 2->; next = NULL

Status = 0;

Printf ("Please enter the resource matrix remaining in the current system: \ n");

for(j = 0; j & ltcolumj++)


Printf ("Remaining system resources of category %c:",' a'+j);

If (status ==0)


ava head = available 1 = available 2 =(struct available *)malloc(avalen);

work head = work 1 = work 2 =(struct available *)malloc(avalen);

available 1->; next = available 2-& gt; next = NULL

work 1->; next = work 2-& gt; next = NULL

scanf("%d ",& ampavailable 1->; Value);

work 1->; value = available 1-& gt; Value;





available 2 =(struct available *)malloc(avalen);

work 2 =(struct available *)malloc(avalen);

Scanf("%d, %d ",&2- > values are available);

Task 2->; value = available 2-& gt; Value;

If (status == 1)


ava head-& gt; next = available2

Work head->; next = work2



available 1->; next = available2

available 1 = available 2;

work 1->; next = work2

work 1 = work 2;



Available 2->next = NULL

Task 2->; next = NULL

Status = 0;

alloctemp = allochead

maxtemp = maxhead

for(I = 0; I< platoon; i++)

for(j = 0; j & ltcolumj++)


If (status ==0)


need head = need 1 = need 2 =(struct need *)malloc(needlen);

need 1->; next = need 2-& gt; next = NULL

need 1->; value = maxtemp-& gt; value-allocatemp-& gt; Value;





need 2 =(struct need *)malloc(needlen);

need 2->; value =(maxtemp-& gt; value)-(alloct EMP-& gt; Value);

If (status == 1)


needhead-& gt; next = need2



need 1->; next = need2

need 1 = need 2;


max temp = max temp-& gt; Next;

alloctemp = alloctemp-& gt; Next;


need 2->; next = NULL

Status = 0;

for(I = 0; I< platoon; i++)


If (status ==0)


fini head = finish 1 = finish 2 =(struct finish *)malloc(finilen);

finish 1->; next = finish 2-& gt; next = NULL

finish 1->; stat = 0;





finish 2 =(struct finish *)malloc(finilen);

Complete 2-> stat = 0;

If (status == 1)


fini head-& gt; next = finish2



finish 1->; next = finish2

finish 1 = finish 2;



Complete 2->next = NULL/* Initialization complete */

Status = 0;

process test = 0;

for(temp = 0; Temp & lt row; temp++)


alloctemp = allochead

needtemp = needhead

finishtemp = finihead

worktemp = workhead

for(I = 0; I< platoon; i++)


Operating temperature 1 = operating temperature;

if(finish temp-& gt; stat==0)


for(j = 0; j & ltcolumj++,need temp = need temp-& gt; Next, working temperature = working temperature->; Next)

if(need temp-& gt; Value < = operating temperature->; Value)

process test++;



for(j = 0; j & ltcolumj++)


worktemp 1->value+= alloct EMP-& gt; Value;

Operating temperature 1 = operating temperature1->; Next;

alloctemp = alloctemp-& gt; Next;


If (status ==0)


path head = path 1 = path 2 =(struct path *)malloc(path len);

path 1->; next = path 2-& gt; next = NULL

path 1->; value = I;





path 2 =(struct path *)malloc(path len);

path2->value = I;

If (status == 1)


path head->; next = path2



path 1->; next = path2

path 1 = path 2;


finish temp-& gt; stat = 1;




for(t = 0; t & ltcolumt++)

alloctemp = alloctemp-& gt; Next;

finish temp-& gt; stat = 0;




for(t = 0; t & ltcolumt++)


need temp = need temp-& gt; Next;

alloctemp = alloctemp-& gt; Next;


process test = 0;

worktemp = workhead

finish temp = finish temp-& gt; Next;



path2->next = NULL

finishtemp = finihead

for(temp = 0; Temp & lt row; temp++)


if(finish temp-& gt; stat==0)


Printf ("\ nThe system is in an unsafe state! \ n ");

Exit (0);


finish temp = finish temp-& gt; Next;


Printf ("\ nThe system is in a safe state. \ n ");

Printf ("\ nsecurity sequence is: \ n");



printf("p%d ",path head-& gt; Value);


while(path head = path head-& gt; Next);

printf(" \ n ");

Returns 0;


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