When applying for a large loan or applying for a card (the first card of each bank), they will definitely check your credit report. If you have a bad credit report, banks will not dare to lend you money or approve a card for you. Only by repaying credit cards/loans on time and not overdue, not applying for cards randomly or swiping cards randomly, and protecting your credit report can you have a smooth journey in applying for cards and loans in the future. Some rich people said, "How about a loan to buy a house?" It doesn’t exist, I always buy the house in full.
Next, I will talk about the credit report (credit card). The content is relatively boring, but after understanding the content displayed on the credit report, you will suddenly understand: Oh~ why should we control debt; why can’t it be overdue? Why can't you apply for a card randomly? Why can't you fill in the information randomly when applying for a card...
First understand the following information, and then we will look at the photo of the detailed version of the credit report. After reading it, if you want to check it out, just pass by You can check the credit report website and immediately issue a detailed credit report in 1 minute. The content is as follows:
Where does the credit report data come from?
The bank will collect the report and send it to the People's Bank of China system. It will be submitted at the beginning of the next month when your credit card statement is issued (the specific submission time of each bank is different).
Can overdue records be modified?
Yes, but you cannot know the number of overdues. Instead, add a note after the bank's overdue record, which is to give an explanation, such as non-malicious overdues. Whether you can add remarks and modify it requires negotiation between you and the bank's customer service. No remarks will be added to you without a reasonable reason. It's hard! Don’t be overdue! Don’t be overdue!
Regarding the coverage of overdue records, many people mistakenly believe that if their credit is overdue, as long as they continue to use it, the previous bad records will be overwritten. I asked a professional staff member and told me that this is not the case. Yes, overdue records cannot be overwritten and will only be automatically eliminated by the system after 5 years of repayment. If the card is canceled immediately after the expiration date, this record will remain.
Credit report classification
Credit report is divided into brief version and detailed version. The simple version can be checked on the website of the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China. The detailed version needs to go to the counter or self-service of the People's Bank of China. Machine processing
This is a self-service machine processing. You only need to insert your ID card, face recognition, and mobile phone verification code for verification, and the credit report will be issued in 1 minute. It is much more convenient than the simple version that takes 24 hours to check online. ! I went to a certain branch of Hangzhou Zheshang Bank to check, wasn't it the People's Bank of China? Why did you go to Zhejiang Merchant? In addition to Zheshang, there are also self-service machines added by Minsheng Bank and the People's Bank of China. It should be that many people who have recently bought a house have inquired about their credit information, so they have been specially installed at bank branches in different locations.
ps: Before May, Bank of Beijing and Bank of Beijing’s online banking could also check the detailed version, but it is no longer authorized. This needs to be known. Which websites can be checked? From this link, /zxzx/lxfs/lxfs.shtml, it is not perfect. Hangzhou Amap is more accurate than this.
Composition of credit report
If you apply for many cards, the credit report you get will have about 20 pages. The specific number of pages depends on your card bank and card application method
The credit report consists of five parts, namely basic personal information, information summary, credit transaction information details, company information details and inquiry records. The information is collected and submitted by the bank.
1. Personal information
What is displayed is identity information (date of birth, degree, unit, etc.), spouse information, residence information, and occupation information. This information is based on The information you filled in for the last card application has changed (the previous ones will be overwritten). Among them, the residence information and occupation information have historical change records, so don’t lie about many frequent address changes!
This information is imported into the credit reporting system by bank credit examiners based on the information filled in the form/online application, and the name of the institution whose data has changed will also be displayed in the information details.
2. Information summary
Mumu believes that the information summary is the most important part because it displays personal loan status, number of credit card accounts, credit card overdue status, credit limit, and used credit card information. quota and the average usage quota in the past 6 months. Just a few lines of words show my weakness~~ This is overdue twice, and the longest month is 1 month. This will greatly discount my credit report!
The card issuer is the card issuing bank. It was discovered that the credit limit and number of accounts previously applied for by HSBC and HSBC Bank were not included in the credit limit. As long as you have enough cards, I’ve used up a lot of lines and unnecessary cards recently, so just keep the useful cards!
The credit report directly displays the six-month average usage limit. How to reduce the amount occupied on the credit report? It's very simple. You only need to repay the credit card before the bill is issued (usually 2 days in advance, and it must be credited to the account), and the consumption limit will be uploaded according to the bill, effectively reducing the usage limit on the credit report.
Finally, Mumu also confirmed that if Bank of Communications and ICBC repaid the loan before the next bill date outside the grace period, they would not be subject to credit reporting.
3. Credit transaction information details
This information takes up 11 pages of the Economic Times. It shows the details of the bills that have been issued before checking the credit report and synchronized to the credit database. You can see which bank or loan is overdue, and whether it was paid back in the end. However, you cannot see which card is overdue. It comes out, as well as the bank's credit limit, the latest repayment record, etc.
At the end of each bank data, the "N, 1, *" symbols will appear. If a number appears, it means that this row has an overdue record, which is cool. Look at the arrow in the picture above, 1, which means it is overdue for 1-30 days. It was caused by Mumu’s Easy Card repayment going into the savings card (click to see the reason, please be careful!). At that time, CITIC Bank agreed to make a note, Looking at it now, there is no promise!
Explanation of the symbols in the table:
*————Indicates that there is no repayment history this month. Data with a repayment period greater than a month are marked with this symbol, and the repayment frequency is not Regular, if there is no repayment in the month, it is indicated by *; if there is no need for repayment in the month when the account is opened, it is also indicated by this symbol;
N——Normal (indicates that the borrower has repaid the monthly payment in full and on time) ;
1————Indicates 1 to 30 days overdue;
2————Indicates 31 to 60 days overdue;
3————Indicates overdue 61~90 days;
D——Repayment by the guarantor (indicates that the borrower’s loan has been repaid by the guarantor, including the guarantor’s on-time repayment and the guarantor’s repayment of part of the loan);
Z———Debts with assets (indicates that the borrower’s loan has been repaid by using assets with debts. Only refers to the debts with assets);
C— ——Settlement (the borrower's loan is fully paid off, and the loan balance is 0. This includes normal settlement, early settlement, debt settlement with assets, and settlement by the guarantor on behalf of the guarantor, etc.);
G——End (any form of account termination except settlement)
Every bank has the same information details as CITIC Bank. If you don’t know which bank of yours has overdue levy? Just check the repayment record to see if there are numbers like 1, 2, and 3.
After the information details, the historical data of inactivated and canceled cards are displayed. Mumu often says to apply for useful cards and not to apply randomly. There are 25 unactivated and canceled cards. Some unused cards will be automatically canceled. It is better to spend some time to take stock by yourself and display a page of unactivated records. :
Well, it was not activated because the credit limit I applied for was too low. However, many quotas are calculated based on the unbalanced credit limit, such as Guangdong Development Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank...
4. Public *** Information Module
Public *** The information module displays the payment date, payment month, monthly deposit amount, and payment unit. For example, the Postal Savings Bank of China is very concerned about the provident fund. If it does not meet the standard, it will be difficult to cancel the card, and it will be difficult to cancel the card if it is interrupted. Not only the Postal Savings Bank, but also those who care about the provident fund will read this information.
5. Inquiry records
It takes up two pages of the credit report. This section displays the summary of inquiry records, including credit card approvals, loan approvals, and the number of personal inquiries in the past 2 years. The number of inquiries, the inquiry records will be retained for 2 years. Therefore, if you want to increase your card application rate, it is recommended that you apply less for at least one month. This picture looks perfect, haha
After summarizing, the next step is the bank’s credit record inquiry, including post-loan management and credit card approval inquiry records. Basically, every bank will intermittently manage you after the loan every month. ...Even HSBC, which doesn’t have a card, has to come in for a loan every month.
There will be a reason for the inquiry behind each entry. Nowadays, there are very few cases where the payment cannot be processed because there are too many inquiry records. After the bank inquiry details, there are personal inquiry details and the reason for the inquiry.
Asking the auditor for personal inquiries will not deduct points from the newspaper, nor will the bank's post-loan management. After all, post-loan management is beyond your control.
Finally, I hope everyone will repay their loans on time, don’t go overdue, don’t go to the credit bureau, take good care of your credit card, and keep things flowing smoothly. It is really difficult to apply for a new bank card after the expiration date, and it may also affect the loan to buy a house later, and the credit reference is priceless.