If others can't repay their credit cards, they should indicate the reasons on the application form and fill in the compensators. With the consent of the compensated person, as long as the repayment is made according to the obligations of the compensated person, it will not cause harm to the compensated person.
Credit card compensation refers to paying off the credit card account of Bank B with the credit card of Bank A at a low interest rate. At present, only Huaxia Bank has launched this product in China, and Bai Sheng is the first product in China to successfully realize credit card balance compensation.
Balance transfer, also known as inter-agency installment payment of credit card bills, refers to the process that credit card holders settle their credit card bills in a third-party institution by applying for a loan with a lower interest rate (lower than the installment rate of credit card bills) and then repay them to financial institutions in installments.
Credit card balance compensation actually provides consumers with short-term and medium-term liquidity, and consumers replace the balance of high-interest credit card loans with low-interest compensation loans. This can not only reduce the pressure of repayment and interest payment, but also improve consumption power. In fact, to put it simply, when your credit card limit runs out and you have no money to repay it, you can borrow from a third-party financial institution at a lower interest rate to repay your credit card, and then repay it to a third-party platform in installments.
When registering a product applying for balance compensation, it needs to be reviewed. As long as there is nothing wrong with your credit, they can basically pass the examination. Generally speaking, the amount is between thousands and tens of thousands, and the annualized interest rate of 18.25% is much lower. Special reminder, if the interest rate is higher than 18.25, it cannot be regarded as compensation. Credit card debt belongs to personal debt. Only when the debt is used for family expenses can it be regarded as a joint debt of husband and wife, otherwise the spouse has no obligation to pay compensation. If you want to persuade your spouse to pay compensation, you need to see if the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious. The following methods are for reference only and are not responsible for the consequences:
1. If the relationship is harmonious, one spouse can be transferred to compensate for the debt on the premise of applying for reducing or exempting the criminal responsibility of the other spouse.
2. If the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious, and one spouse uses the debt for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and his job is unstable, it seems unnecessary and unreasonable to persuade the other spouse to make compensation. From another point of view, everyone should bear his own responsibilities, such as taking care of the family and raising the elderly and children. One person should not blame personal debts on another person or the next generation; From the legal point of view, personal debts must be paid by individuals, and it is not allowed to harass others for any reason unless individuals want to.
The credit card payment has been paid off, and the bank requires to write a compensation application?
If your credit card has been paid off, you must never write any compensation application, because you have nothing to do with their bank.
What does it mean to apply for compensatory relief?
If others can't repay their credit cards, they need to indicate the reasons in the application form and fill in the compensation. With the consent of the compensation, as long as it is repaid in accordance with the obligation of compensation, it will not cause damage to the compensation.
The credit card payment has been paid off, and the bank requires to write a compensation application? A friend of mine has paid off his credit card and the bank asked him to sign a letter of compensation to reduce the interest. Can he sign it?
If it is relief or reconciliation, it is no problem to cooperate with the signing of the compensation book. Bank staff also need to submit information to help reduce interest rates.
This concludes the introduction of credit card compensation application and credit card compensation application. I wonder if you found the information you need from it?