This is related to the calculation formula of the repayment method. If you adopt the equal principal and interest repayment method, the total monthly repayment amount (principal + interest) will basically remain unchanged, but each The composition of your monthly payments is constantly changing. At the beginning of the repayment period, because the loan balance (remaining unpaid loan principal) is relatively large, most of the monthly repayment is interest and the principal is relatively small; by the middle of the loan, the monthly repayment amount is basically The principal part and the interest part are almost the same; in the later stage of the loan, because the loan balance is not high, the monthly repayment is basically the principal, and the interest is very little. \x0d\\x0d\Post the calculation formula of the repayment method here for your reference:\x0d\●Equal principal and interest repayment method: \x0d\Monthly repayment amount: a*[i*(1+i) ^n]/[(1+I)^n-1] \x0d\Note: aLoan principaliLoan monthly interest ratenLoan number of months\x0d\\x0d\●Equal principal repayment method: \x0d\Every Monthly principal repayment: a/n \x0d\ Monthly interest repayment: an*i/30*dn \x0d\ Note: a Loan principal i Loan monthly interest rate n Number of loan months an Remaining principal of the nth month loan Gold, a1=a, a2=a-a/n, a3=2-2*a/n...and so on, the actual number of days in the nth month of dn, for example, February is 28 in ordinary years, March is 31, April is 30, and so on