When you apply for a card, you should not only submit a copy of the front and back of your ID card and an application, but also submit a financial certificate, which must be provided by Amway and stamped with the official financial seal.
As for the quota, there is no fixed quota. Generally, the amount of a silver card ranges from 2000 to 30000, and the amount of a gold card ranges from 10000 to 50000. The amount of Amway card is closely related to the level and position in Amway company.
The shortest repayment time is 20 days, and the longest is 50 days, and the repayment will be made within 20 days after the bill date.
Annual fee for the first year of card opening, swipe the card more than 5 times in one year, and the annual fee is free in the second year.
The same is true for Puka, but there are differences in submitting financial certificates. As long as the proof of salary and income is submitted, it is necessary to affix the financial seal. You can also submit the details of the bank's salary passbook for the past three months. By the way, you can attach the real estate license, car book or personal tax payment certificate.