Take a look at your credit information. If overdue loans such as credit cards and online loans are overdue many times within 5 years, control your overdue. Then, after reading the following institutional inquiries, how many loans have been approved in the past three months?
If you apply for loans frequently in the near future, have a credit card overdue record within half a year, or borrow more than a certain number of times (each loan requires different requirements), the loan will not succeed.
You can try to apply for a loan by suspending the current loan application and maintaining normal repayment for half a year. At the same time, you can choose to borrow money according to your own qualifications, and there are different borrowing channels for work and business.
If the credit card shows overdue for many times or even maliciously, don't cancel the account, continue to use it, and continue to repay. After 2 years, the normal repayment record will cover your situation and continue to repay on time. Once the account is cancelled, even after five or seven years (the known credit time is longer), the credit card still shows overdue records.