When a lending institution grants credit, it means that it has approved the total amount of business for the borrower, but it does not mean a loan. Credit includes acceptance, factoring, letter of credit, discount and other businesses, and loan is only one of them, which can be understood as credit > loan from the relationship. A loan is to borrow money, and the borrowed money is drawn from the credit line. If the loan is successful, the credit limit will be reduced. The important thing is that the loan is successful and must be repaid on time. If you only grant credit but don't lend, you don't need to repay, it won't have any impact.
Credit loan refers to the loan service provided by the national SME financing comprehensive credit service platform, which mainly provides financing services for local governments, financial institutions and enterprises. If enterprises want to carry out loan financing, they can publish information on this platform, and if they can pass the audit of financial institutions, they can provide loan services for enterprises at this time.