When banks apply for loans, they usually need to inquire about credit information in the name of "loan approval", so if there are too many loans, too many inquiry records in the name of "loan approval" will be left on the credit information. If the bank finds that there are too many recent loan records in the customer's credit report, it will worry that the customer's repayment ability is insufficient, and may refuse the loan because the customer has borrowed many times and the debt is too high.
Credit investigation records personal credit behavior in the past, which will affect personal economic activities in the future. These behaviors are reflected in personal credit reports, which are commonly called "credit records". Until 20 12, there is not a single law or regulation in China's current legal system to provide a direct basis for credit investigation.
Credit investigation plays an important and fundamental role in promoting the development of credit economy and the construction of social credit system. Credit information reduces the information asymmetry of all parties to the transaction and avoids the transaction risk brought by information asymmetry, thus playing a role in risk judgment and disclosure.