When many people encounter difficulties in life, they will choose to borrow money from banks to get financial relief. However, some people may die unexpectedly for various reasons after taking out the loan. So in this case, the families of these people will have some disputes with the bank. And it will also make family members feel particularly tired during the dispute.
The man borrowed 0.2 million/200 thousand and died for some reason
First of all, there is a Ding Man XXX in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, because he has long-term cooperation with the bank. So in this case, I borrowed 250 thousand from the bank. And according to the loan regulations, men need to pay off the loan amount within three years. However, 48 days after Ding's loan, he died unexpectedly. In this case, the bank began to ask Ding's family to repay the relevant money.
Under normal circumstances, there is an obligation to repay.
Secondly, under normal circumstances, family members need to have the obligation to repay when facing this situation. Because according to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, after the borrower died unexpectedly from the bank, the heir of the borrower needs to fulfill the repayment obligation. Therefore, it is normal for banks to ask their families for loan quotas in this matter.
The result of this matter.
Finally, in this matter, because Ding Moumou did not get the consent of his family during the loan process. Moreover, Ding's family did not know. So in this case, Ding Jia gave up Ding's inheritance right. In this way, the amount of Ding Moumou's loan from the bank is also directly ignored. Therefore, in this case, Ding Moumou's family did not help Ding Moumou repay the amount of 200,000.