When we get a loan, the bank or financial institution will generate a residual principal plan so that the borrower can know the repayment progress and make the repayment more convenient. The residual principal plan often includes the repayment period, the amount to be repaid in each period and the distribution of the repaid amount in each period. With the residual principal plan, the borrower can make a repayment plan better and ensure the timeliness of repayment.
The residual principal plan can help us understand the debt situation, but we must know that the repayment amount will not always be the same. The repayment amount will also be affected by many factors, such as interest rate, loan period and so on. This also means that the remaining principal will change due to these factors. Therefore, borrowers need to always pay attention to the repayment plan and keep abreast of the changes in the remaining principal, so as to better plan their financial situation.