This is a typical network contract fraud. . You are applying for a loan, not owing money to repay the loan. You don't owe each other, and you can't get a loan at most. The other party doesn't have a legitimate reason, and you can't accept this blackmail. . If the other party asks for you again, you can call the police directly. The other person is doing you a favor.
Today, I received a short message starting with 00852, saying yes, I received a message from Rong 360, saying that he was wanted. Is it true?/You don't say.
Really, I will give you a written document. Simple SMS notifications are basically liars.
Hello, 360! Rong 360 informed you that you signed a loan contract and did not abide by the contract. Please contact manager Chen immediately.
If it has arrived, you should contact the judge, not the manager!
Let me talk about the introduction of the 360 loan first.