Because the monthly repayment amount is equal, in the initial monthly repayment of the loan, after excluding the monthly settlement interest, the loan principal is less; In the later stage of the loan, due to the continuous reduction of the loan principal, the loan interest is continuously reduced in the monthly repayment amount, and the monthly repayment of the loan principal is more.
2, the average capital repayment method:
Because the monthly repayment of the principal is fixed, and the monthly loan interest decreases with the decrease of the principal balance, the average capital repayment method has a large monthly repayment amount at the initial stage of the loan, and then decreases month by month, so the average capital repayment method has great pressure in the early stage.
Tips: The above contents are for reference only, and no suggestions are made. Please choose according to your own situation. If you need loan funds in the near future, you can log in to Ping An Pocket Bank APP- Finance-Loan to learn about our loan products and try to apply.
Reply time: 202 1-09- 18. Please refer to the latest business changes announced by Ping An Bank in official website.
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