If the loan is not successful, it may be because you do not meet the loan conditions or there are problems with your personal credit report. Therefore, if this happens, you must consider your own factors and find the problem yourself. . Moreover, there are not many records of sealed bags online. It is a small loan company and its credit is not guaranteed. It is recommended not to get a loan from this company.
1. Choose a formal loan company for loans
When handling loan business, be sure to choose a legal and formal platform for loans. If you cannot tell whether it is formal or not, you can check from the following points Judgment:
1. Regular loan companies do not charge fees before applying for loans. Regular loan companies will not charge borrowers any fees before disbursing the loan. If you encounter any loan companies that ask you for handling fees and service fees, you must stay away.
2. A formal loan company that closely integrates online and offline. It is often difficult to complete the transaction directly online for general loans. Loan companies need to judge whether the loan is available or make corresponding loan plans based on the borrower's various comprehensive abilities.
3. For formal loan companies, the loan process will not be shortened. The process of applying for a loan with a formal loan company is relatively cumbersome and requires the borrower to provide various information. Irregular loan companies will attract customers to apply for loans with extremely low loan thresholds, almost 0 interest rates, and mythical lending speeds. After trapping the customers, they will then unknowingly make the customers pay.
2. Reasons for unsuccessful loan disbursement
There are many reasons for being rejected when making a loan. Because there are various people who take out loans, the reasons for being rejected are also different. , there may be the following reasons:
1. There is no running water or the running water is too low. The bank's turnover is the source of income. People with no turnover or low turnover prove that their income sources are poor, and it is difficult to ensure normal repayment in the later period. The risk of overdue repayment is relatively high, and banks or lending institutions are afraid to lend.
2. Credit record. A personal credit report is like a business card. People with poor personal credit records will affect their future loans, employment, job hunting, study abroad, etc.
3. High debt. Usually when a credit product reviews an individual's situation, in addition to the credit record as a reference, it will also look at the individual's debt status. If the debt is too high, the loan application will be rejected. Generally, if the debt is higher than 70, it will not be approved.