Generally, you must think about whether your partner is worth paying off the loan in advance with you. For example, your partner A is a hard worker. She went to the online loan because she had to borrow money for some very difficult things, so she was forced to choose the online loan, and she was very grateful, not a baiwenhang. Then you can choose to help her return it together, but you'd better write down the debt before returning it. After all, no one's money is blown by the wind. If you think there is less money, you can ignore it. If your partner is a person with a bad personality, if she spends money at ordinary times, she will spend a lot of money, and what she buys is beyond her own financial ability. Online lending is just about buying some luxuries, not necessities. You might as well not help her, after all, such a person is a bottomless pit, and the money you pay for her is not enough for her to squander. Of course, this object can be male or female, equally.
The most important thing is to protect your property. As the saying goes, "brothers should settle accounts". Even if you have a good relationship with them, don't be embarrassed to explain in advance whether you want to pay back the money you helped. In fact, as long as people with normal thinking know that they owe money to pay back, so generally you can sign an iou with them to avoid property disputes caused by other circumstances in the later period. If your partner is not happy and angry with you after hearing that you have to write an iou to help them, then you should be on your guard. They think that since you are his object, you should help them pay their debts. Should you consider that such an object with three incorrect views is really worth paying for them? Therefore, don't think it is shameful to write IOUs in advance, which will hurt your harmony, but it is better than not offending others with money in the future.
Generally speaking, whether or not to help the object pay back the money depends on the situation. If the other party's online loan is a last resort, has a good character, will pay back the money, knows how to be grateful, and has the ability to help pay off the debt together, then you can choose to help. If your partner regards you as a tool to pay back the money, and you don't intend to pay back the money later, then decisive refusal is the right way. Don't feel too ashamed to refuse others. It's better than paying back the money later, because the property dispute has worsened the relationship between the two.