There are two ways to repay student loans, Alipay repayment and bank repayment. All loans are interest-free while students are at school, and the bank will charge interest according to the bank interest rate after graduation. Therefore, the earlier the loan is repaid, the less interest can be paid.
Alipay repayment
Operating environment: Apple 12 ios 14 Alipay latest version.
Repay the student loan of China Development Bank in advance
Every month before 10.
Login-China Development Bank Student Loan Information Network
Find the platform for personal account login in the visited page, enter the account number, password and verification code, and then log in.
Find advance payment application
Apply for prepayment as required. The application date for prepayment is from June 1 day to June1day (except June 1 1 day).
Requirements: 1. If prepayment is required, please click the "Add" button to enter the prepayment adding page.
2. In the new page, select the corresponding contract number, and the information to be filled in will be displayed. After confirming the information, click "Submit" to complete the new operation.
3. If you use Alipay for repayment, please log in to Alipay system to recharge your Alipay account.
4. After the accounting treatment period is 10 every month, the expenses will be automatically deducted from Alipay on the 20th of each month. The repayment information may not be updated in time. Please check the exact repayment results in the system at the beginning of next month.
5. After applying for prepayment, please ensure that the balance of your repayment account is sufficient. Whether the repayment is successful or not, please log in to the system at the beginning of next month and check the "Application for Early Repayment". If the prepayment is unsuccessful, please reapply.
Please check your loan background repayment record for the specific repayment record.
Bank repayment
1. Before you go to the bank, you must bring all the materials for handling student loans, as well as my ID card and bank card. You must remember the most important bank card password, otherwise it will bring more trouble to your handling process;
2. After entering the bank, queue up to get the number, then get the application form from the staff and fill in all the contents in detail;
3. Go to the counter to handle the loan repayment procedures;
4. Send the repayment certificate to the relevant person in charge.