After paying off the car loan, you must remember to go through the following procedures. First, you must get the Great Green Paper and ask 4S shops or financial institutions for three pieces of paper, the first one; This is our proof of settlement. This paper can prove that you really paid off the loan. The second one; It is a power of attorney to cancel our motor vehicle mortgage, which is also the procedure required by the vehicle management office, the third one; There is also a copy of the business license of the financial company where you handle the loan. When handling the mortgage formalities, you should also bring the owner's ID card. Warmly remind the vehicle management office that there is no charge for the mortgage cancellation procedure. After the decompression procedure is completed, the first beneficiary of the policy is the financial company or bank during the loan period. If you change your name to your own, you must remember to unplug the Gps installed in our car during the loan period to avoid privacy leakage. Finally, if the lender mortgages your spare key, you must remember to take your spare key away when we get the big green key.
The vehicle decompression certificate refers to the certificate that the vehicle owner has completely obtained the ownership of the vehicle after paying off the car loan.