As long as your loan is approved, it can be used to buy insurance. Any investment or financial management has certain risks. Investment is risky, so caution is recommended.
Bank of Communications mortgage must buy insurance.
Bank of Communications pays the mortgage on a monthly basis, and the salary must be paid back.
More than 2 times, more is not limited.
Mortgage, also known as house mortgage. Mortgage means that the buyer fills in the mortgage loan application form to the bank and provides legal documents such as ID card, income certificate, house sales contract and guarantee letter. The bank promises to grant loans to the buyer after passing the examination, and handle the registration and notarization of real estate mortgage according to the house sales contract provided by the buyer and the mortgage loan contract concluded between the bank and the buyer. The bank directly transfers the loan funds to the seller's account within the time limit stipulated in the contract.
Further reading: How to buy insurance, which is good, and teach you how to avoid these "pits" of insurance.
Why should Bank of Communications loan be bound with Ping An insurance?
Hello, this is a way for banks to transfer risks. In case the lender is at risk, the bank will get compensation from the insurance company.
Bank of Communications guarantees 253 yuan a month. Can I really get a loan?
Yes, you can.
Banks use policy loans, and banks generally guarantee repayment ability, such as life insurance and cash value policies, and the loan amount can be higher.
So much for the introduction of Bank of Communications loan insurance.