1. When applying for a loan, the borrower should make a correct judgment on his current economic strength and repayment ability according to the current loan interest rate. Design a repayment plan according to your income level, leaving room appropriately, without affecting your normal life.
2. Choose the appropriate repayment method. At present, there are basically two repayment methods: equal repayment and equal principal repayment. Once the repayment method is agreed in the contract, it shall not be changed during the whole loan period.
3. Repay on time every month to avoid penalty interest. From the month after the loan is initiated, it is generally the repayment date of the next month. Don't cause liquidated damages because of your negligence, so that banks can't apply for loans again.
4. Take good care of your contracts and IOUs, read the terms of the contracts carefully, and know your rights and obligations.