1. Select the appropriate loan product. Many users will not strictly choose loan products before applying for loan products, but only refer to the loan amount and submit applications when they feel appropriate. At this time, it is easy to see the mismatch between the loan product and the user's qualification, so there will be the result that the micro-loan audit fails. Therefore, users should choose the appropriate loan products according to their actual situation, so as to successfully pass the loan review.
2. Fill in the true and complete loan information. Online small loan products generally do not require users to provide paper materials, so the personal information filled in must be true and complete, so that the system can understand the qualifications of users. Many users neglect to fill in the loan information, so the loan will be rejected. Therefore, when filling in the loan information, users must fill in it carefully to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the information.
3. Apply for a lower loan amount. The system will evaluate users according to their comprehensive qualifications and give them a certain credit line. If the user does not submit the loan quota application at will according to personal qualifications, it is easy to be refused the loan because the loan quota is too high. Therefore, when applying for a loan for the first time, users can try to apply for a lower loan amount first and then try to apply for a large loan after accumulating a good record.
4. Answer the loan review phone. Some online loan products have telephone audit links, so after the user submits the loan application, the auditor will make a telephone call back for approval. If the user misses the audit call, the loan will also be rejected. Therefore, when submitting a loan application, users must keep their mobile phones open and don't miss the call.
It can be seen that when users apply for micro-loan products, they also need to pay attention to some matters to improve the success rate of applying for loans, otherwise it is easy to have loans rejected. Moreover, users should not submit loan applications frequently, otherwise it will not only lead to personal credit damage, but also lead to loan rejection.