When handling an automobile loan, after the approval of the bank, both parties sign a loan contract and a guarantee contract, and go through notarization and mortgage registration procedures, but when going through notarization procedures, the borrower needs to pay notarization fees.
1. Do I need to pay a notarization fee to apply for a car loan?
It is understood that the application for car loan must be notarized, that is, the borrower must pay a notarization fee when applying for car loan, but this fee is collected by the bank and then transferred to the notary office.
2. Will the notarization fee be refunded after the loan is settled?
It is reported that the notary fee will not be refunded when the borrower settles the loan.
Three, for the notarization of automobile loans need to provide materials are:
Personal automobile loan contract, contract notarial deed, repayment commitment letter, loan guarantee letter, valid identity certificate, marriage certificate and income certificate of the borrower and his spouse, etc.