Process required for ICBC loan:
The required information is provided by you: the same day audit, the same day loan.
1. Copies of ID cards of all investors (if the investor is a company, a copy of the business license is required).
2. Registered capital and capital contribution of all investors
3, the company name (preferably more than 5), the company's general business scope.
ICBC loans must provide the following information:
(1) Fill in the application for residential mortgage,
And submit the following documents to the bank: ID card, household registration book, marriage certificate, house and bank running list.
(2) The bank examines the borrower's loan application, house purchase contract, agreement and related materials.
(3) The borrower will go through the mortgage registration formalities of the real estate license of the mortgaged property with the bank.
(4) The guarantors of both borrowers and borrowers sign the Housing Mortgage Loan Contract and notarize it.
(5) After the loan contract is signed and notarized, the bank's deposits and loans to the borrower are transferred to the selling unit or building unit specified in the purchase contract or agreement.