Of course, everyone should be careful not to borrow frequently. Otherwise, credit cards and loans will be processed after the multi-head loans are recorded in the credit report. Banks (lending institutions and platforms) are likely to worry about their insufficient repayment ability and unstable economic life because of the high personal debt ratio reflected in the customer's credit report, and they are likely to refuse to approve cards and loans.
If there are too many records in the personal credit report, it is recommended that customers temporarily keep it for at least three months and do not apply for new credit products. After three months, the situation of "spending money" in credit reporting should be improved.
We also need to note that if the debt becomes higher due to frequent borrowing, customers can try to pay it off within three months, without applying for new credit products, or repay as much as possible to reduce the personal debt ratio. In this way, the credit business should be smoother in the future.