When you find out that your boyfriend borrowed online loans, you must look at when he borrowed them, whether before he met you or after he followed you. You must understand why he borrowed them. Have the ability to repay, but the reason for borrowing online loans is generally to eat, drink and have fun, have no money to pay off debts, and then raise loans with loans, rolling more and more.
Borrowing online loans may have the following consequences:
1, late fee
Basically, every credit product, as long as it fails to repay within the time limit, needs to pay liquidated damages. Each online lending institution has different requirements, and it is also overdue by 10,000. Some institutions may be fined several yuan a day, while others may be fined several hundred yuan a day. Therefore, it is recommended that you repay in time to avoid overdue, otherwise the principal and interest penalty interest will be quite expensive.
2. Bad credit
At present, many online loans have begun to collect credit, or authorized institutions such as Sesame Branch and 100 banks to collect credit. In short, in the era of big data, your loan application records, breach of contract and credit details can be found. Once it's overdue, it's you who will eventually suffer. If you encounter financial problems, you can no longer borrow money by credit, but you can only choose mortgage or credit card T.
The way, very troublesome.
If you leave a bad record in the central bank's credit report, buying a car and buying a house will be affected in the future, and the amount will be reduced, and the expenses will rise in proportion, which is not worth the candle.
3. Facing all kinds of fancy collections
Generally, on the first day in loans overdue, the loan platform will start dunning. First of all, it must be a telephone message. The collection stage of telephone messages is long and violent. In the early stage, it may just be a phone message reminder. If there is no repayment after collection, the collection platform will directly explode the address book.
4. Being sued by the platform
Under normal circumstances, after the online loan is overdue, the platform will urge the user by SMS, telephone, etc. If the user refuses to pay back the money, the platform will go to court to sue the user. If the bank decides to force repayment and the user still fails to repay according to the court's requirements, he needs to bear criminal responsibility.
Online lending is like a bottomless pit. At this time, you should consider whether you are willing to live this life with him. Do you have the courage to live such a life? Are you willing to drag your family, parents, relatives and friends into this bottomless pit? If the answer is no, I suggest you break up and stop loss in time.