2. Also check the borrower's personal bank credit. If you have applied for a loan from the bank before, it depends on the borrower's repayment. Some people may not have applied for a loan from the bank, but they have a credit card. The bank can also check the borrower's loan and repayment, so as to judge whether the borrower has repayment ability and credibility.
3. In addition, you can also check the borrower's daily consumption, including the water and electricity fees paid by the borrower at ordinary times, and whether the personal mobile phone can be used normally. These can be inquired through the bank's credit information system, which is very comprehensive.
4. We can also find out whether the borrower has inquired about relevant credit records recently, such as records that may be inquired by the bank within half a year. If there are many inquiry records and there are no lending records during this period, the bank may feel that the borrower's personal qualifications are not particularly good, which will affect future applications.
How long is the credit history of buying a house?
Banks need to inquire about the past credit records of buyers when approving housing loan applications, and the specific inquiry time depends on the bank. The longest retention period of credit records is 5 years. Banks generally check the credit status within 2 years, and banks with strict risk control may also check for 5 years.
It should be noted that even if the loan application has been approved, if the loan issuance time is longer than the pre-loan credit inquiry date, the bank may conduct credit inquiry again.
In other words, if there is a bad credit record after the loan application is passed, it may also affect the normal lending.
What bad credit information will affect mortgage approval?
1, even three times six.
For three consecutive months and six consecutive months, it means that there is no repayment for three consecutive months, or there are six months of overdue records, which is a serious overdue situation in the credit report. It is basically difficult for buyers who have been tired for six months to apply for housing loans.
2. There are many inquiries.
Although there is no limit to the number of inquiries about personal credit records, frequent inquiries will also affect the credit records of buyers, and banks will judge customers as unqualified. Generally, the number of credit inquiries exceeds 6 times in half a year, which may affect the normal approval of mortgage loans or lead to a decrease in loan quotas.
3. Bad credit card debts.
Once there is a bad debt record in the credit report, it is basically out of touch with the mortgage.