Many people now get loans from banks, either for business or for their own consumption. If your father borrowed money from the bank and cannot afford to pay it back, you should first find a way to ask him for a loan. If relatives and friends borrow money, pay back what is due as soon as possible, and then arrange your own work so that you can pay back the money slowly. Secondly, you can also call the bank to negotiate. I will explain it to you in detail next. 1. You should find ways to borrow money from relatives and friends.
Generally speaking, relatives and friends will have some money in their hands. If you happen to have a repayment date, you can first find a way to ask your relatives and friends to borrow some to get through it first, and then when you have the money, Before repaying your relatives and friends, you must also arrange your own work, find ways to repay the next money to the bank, and also find ways to repay the money to your relatives and friends. 2. You can call and negotiate with the bank.
If you are approaching the repayment date, you can also negotiate with the bank staff in time. Generally speaking, after the due date, even if you negotiate, it is impossible to erase your record, but you can Give some suggestions, so if it is before the repayment date, you can listen to some suggestions from the bank staff, such as deferring the money for a few days, or the bank staff can find some work for you, which will help you repay the money. 3. Don’t borrow money from loan sharks.
After many people owe money, they have no money and are embarrassed to ask relatives and friends to borrow money, so they borrow money from usury, causing them to overestimate their abilities and have no money when the repayment date comes. When you pay back the money, interest will compound in the end. If you owe more and more, you won't be able to pay it back, so you must not borrow money from usury.
In short, once you owe money to the bank and you can't afford it now, you should first find a way to seek help from around you, borrow money from relatives and friends, so as to take a break and pay it back later. Secondly, you can also make a phone call. Negotiate with bank staff and seek help from them. In addition, be sure to stay away from loan sharks to avoid owing more.