You can pay off the house payment in installments with high interest rate, or you can lend the working capital directly and apply for a mortgage loan at the bank. If you have no money to repay the loan, you can go to the loan company to negotiate and sign an agreement, repay the loan for you first, and then go to the bank with you to handle the mortgage of the house. After the bank approves the money, you can pay it back to the loan company. Because the bank approves loans slowly, but the interest is relatively low and the repayment time is relatively long, so the bank can't give you loans for the time being. You have to pay the bill first. Loan companies grant loans faster, with great flexibility in the amount, but with higher interest. It can only be shortened temporarily. If you don't repay the loan in advance, but use the surplus value of the house for a second loan, the amount of your loan may not meet your needs. Finally remind you! Please call 1 14 to consult a formal loan company registered in industry and commerce.
Second, I heard that the loan from Enterprise Chang is very fast. Is it true?/You don't say.
Yes, I have experienced it personally. Look at the amount of your loan. I usually don't get it for a week.
Third, the easiest platform to borrow.
1, Meituan borrows money: Meituan credit loan, Meituan big data is good, and personal credit conditions are good, making it easier to borrow money. From the annualized interest rate of 7.2%, differentiated pricing will be implemented. Everyone's loan interest rate will be different. The final loan result is subject to the system evaluation.
2. Doudou Money: Pure credit loan does not need mortgage guarantee, the borrower meets the basic loan conditions, has no bad credit record, has high account activity, can try to borrow, and has stable repayment ability. The system automatically approves the loan, and the result can be obtained in a few minutes.
3. Financing e-loan: ICBC credit loan with a maximum amount of 500,000, which can only be applied by ICBC customers. If ICBC mortgage or credit card customers have a good loan repayment record and have bought wealth management products in the bank, the loan will be easier to pass, and the loan interest rate of 202 1 is still good.
4, money to spend: Baidu's credit loan, the borrower's requirements are not very high, use the mobile phone to register the account, improve personal information, provide a valid ID card to complete the authentication, get the quota, you can borrow, the system automatically approves the loan, you can quickly get the account.