Quick loan method 2: credit card cash installment If you have a credit card, you can also use it for emergency when you need money badly. The cash installment function of credit card is also very powerful, and its loan amount is determined by the available balance of credit card. When the application is made, the funds can be received immediately and repaid on time every month. Different banks have different credit card cash installment rates. Generally speaking, state-owned banks are relatively low and commercial banks are relatively high.
Fast loan method 3: loan company. Because the credit business in the financial market is very hot, a large number of loan companies have emerged. The loan company broke the geographical restrictions and met the fast and convenient financing needs. Borrowers can find a satisfactory loan company according to their actual situation and make loans on the online lending platform. Compared with banks, loan companies have more convenient loan application procedures and faster payment.
Fast loan method 4: Policy loan If you have a policy with cash function and the insurance deposit time is longer than 1 year, you can also get a loan quickly with the policy. The general policy loan amount is about 80% of the policy value, up to 90%, and the loan interest rate rises on the basis of the benchmark interest rate of the central bank in the same period. Generally, the loan arrival time is 1-3 days. Faster.