However, with a credit card, everyone can spend freely. Credit cards are processed one by one, and finally become snowballs, rolling bigger and bigger. Personally, I think the best way to rob Peter to pay Paul is to stop lending. You need to look carefully at the interest you need to repay every month.
If we say that the hole is not huge and we are unable to repay it, we will take the initiative to admit our mistakes to our families and ask them to fill the hole. You know, the more you push it back, the more interest you owe, and even the interest will exceed the loan itself. I have a good friend. He's just not going to borrow money. Finally, he owed hundreds of thousands of credit loans. Even if you use all your salary to repay the loan every month, you can only barely repay the interest, which is the minimum repayment amount.
So I advise you to spend money comfortably and figure out how to repay it. Of course, some people think that if you don't return it to the bank, no one will arrest you. But once you become Lao Lai, your life will be greatly changed, and you will be labeled as a faithless person, which will not only have a great impact on you, including your family.