Usually, the monthly income is not a rigid rule, because it also takes into account the specific amount of loans you need. But one thing is certain: the higher the income, the easier it is to get a loan, and the higher the loan amount. If the monthly income is too low, the loan will definitely not succeed, and the lending institution will determine that you have no repayment ability.
The monthly salary of most wage earners is generally 30,000-50,000. If you want to apply for a loan, you must have a stable job, a stable income and good credit. The loan amount of credit loans is directly linked to the monthly income of wage earners, just like the salary of sales staff is linked to performance. The better the performance, the higher the salary. From a certain point of view, the higher the monthly income of the working class, the higher the loan amount. The loan amount of credit loans is generally 4- 10 times of monthly income.