There is a service charge for bank loans. Loan service fee refers to the fee charged when handling loan business, which is generally charged by banks, and the charging standard depends on local conditions.
The fees charged by intermediaries are definitely higher, but each intermediary is different. 1500 should be the loan guarantee fee he gave you, and the evaluation fee should be paid to the evaluation company that cooperates with him and collected with them. You can ask the intermediary for details.
The loan service fee is generally charged by the bank, but it is also charged by a third party that helps the loan business.
When handling loan business, the fee charged is called loan service fee. Generally, it is a bank collection, and there are also third-party collections that help the loan business.
Extended data:
Bank loan refers to an economic behavior that banks lend funds to people in need of funds at a certain interest rate according to national policies and return them within the agreed time limit. Generally, you need a guarantee, a house mortgage, proof of income and good personal credit information before you can apply.
Moreover, in different countries and different development periods of a country, the types of loans classified according to various standards are also different. For example, industrial and commercial loans in the United States mainly include ordinary loan limits, working capital loans, standby loan commitments, and project loans. In Britain, industrial and commercial loans mostly take the form of discounted bills, credit accounts and overdraft accounts.