The use of bank loans is very complicated, involving all aspects of reproduction, industries, departments, enterprises and various factors of production.
The purpose of the loan itself can also be classified according to different standards. Traditionally, there are two classification methods: one is to classify the loan objects according to departments, which are divided into industrial loans, commercial loans, agricultural loans, science and technology loans and consumer loans; Second, according to the specific use of loans, they are generally divided into working capital loans and fixed capital loans.
Classifying loan types according to loan purposes is beneficial for banks to arrange loan orders according to the different use nature of funds; It is beneficial for banks to monitor the distribution structure of loans, so that banks can arrange the loan structure reasonably and prevent loan risks.
2. What are the types of bank loans and what are the requirements?
The commonly used repayment methods of personal loans generally include: matching (principal and interest) repayment method, average capital repayment method, repayment of principal and interest at maturity (loans within one year) and so on. Different loans can choose different repayment methods. When applying for a loan, please confirm your repayment method with the loan handling bank.
3. What are the classifications of bank loans according to loan purposes?
The use of bank loans is very complicated, involving all aspects of reproduction, industries and factors of production.
There are usually two ways to classify loan purposes: one is to classify the loan object by the department, that is, industrial loans, commercial loans and agriculture; The other is classified according to the specific use of loans, which are generally divided into working capital loans and fixed capital loans.
Classifying loan types according to loan purposes is beneficial for banks to arrange loan orders according to the different use nature of funds; It is beneficial for banks to monitor the distribution structure of loans, so that banks can arrange the loan structure reasonably and prevent loan risks.