Trouble with one-day late repayment of Guangzhou credit loan 1. Although repayment is only one day late, it will also affect your personal credit report and reduce your personal credit score. It is best not to affect your precious credit just because of one day. 2. If you are only one day late in repaying occasionally, Guangzhou credit loan institutions will not care much, but if this happens frequently, they will doubt the borrower's repayment ability and gradually increase the loan restrictions on the borrower.
Solutions to one-day late repayment of Guangzhou credit loan: 1. Call the customer service of the Guangzhou credit loan institution, explain your actual situation, and request to push back the repayment date by one day. Generally speaking, for the sake of flexibility, the Guangzhou Credit Loan Agency can postpone the final repayment date by 2-3 days. 2. If the extension cannot be extended, the borrower can temporarily borrow a sum of money from his friends or relatives, use the money to repay the loan, and then repay the money from the relatives and friends the next day. 3. In the worst case scenario, the borrower can borrow an equal loan from another Guangzhou credit loan institution and use the new debt to repay the old debt. When there is money the next day, the borrower will repay the new loan.