The specific monthly repayment amount depends on your loan interest rate and repayment method. We take the 30-year benchmark interest rate of 654.38+0.8 million as 4.9%, and choose the repayment method of equal principal and interest. The monthly repayment is 9553.08 yuan, and the total principal and interest is 3439 109438+05 yuan.
Equal principal repayment, the first month repayment 12350 yuan, the next month repayment 20.42 yuan, the last month repayment 5020.42 yuan, the total principal and interest of 3 126675 yuan.
2. What is the monthly payment for a house with a price of 1.8 million?
Hello, the down payment of 1.8 million yuan is 540,000 yuan, the loan of 1.26 million yuan, the 30-year provident fund loan with equal principal and interest is 6,065,438 yuan +05.43 yuan, and the average monthly principal is 77,000.00 yuan; For commercial loans, the monthly payment of equal principal and interest is 7,473.52 yuan, and the monthly payment of average principal is 9,695.00 yuan.
3. The total price is 654.38+0.8 million, and the down payment for 30 years is 30%. How much is the monthly payment?
What if there is no interest rate? . There is interest on monthly payment.
4. Down payment 1.8 million, mortgage 600,000, how much for 30 months?
You also need the mortgage interest rate and repayment method. With the above four pieces of information, you can search a mortgage computer and input the calculation.