In life, it is inevitable to encounter situations where money is badly needed and you can't turn around. At this time, it is a good way to choose a reliable lending institution to borrow some money for emergency. As a self-operated bank under Tencent, Weizhong Bank is undoubtedly very secure. Let me talk about how to apply for a loan from Weizhong Bank. 1
First, we open the Weizhong Bank app and log in with QQ or WeChat. 2
after entering the homepage, click "Equity" in the lower right corner, and you will see the "Bank Loan" icon below. Let's click to enter. 3
We can see that Weizhong Bank is mainly engaged in three kinds of loans at present, but individuals mainly use "micro-loan" and "micro-car loan", among which micro-loan is the most, so we click "micro-loan". 4
let's look at the introduction of micro-loans. At present, micro-loans are invited by users. However, if you need it, micro-loans have been opened on both QQ and WeChat platforms. We can apply for micro-loans from WeChat or QQ. 5
Open WeChat, enter the wallet interface, and you will see the micro-loan entrance. Click Enter, and you will see the personal loan amount. Just fill in the application as needed.
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