1. Make a repayment plan: review your income and expenditure and make a reasonable repayment plan. Ensure that the monthly repayment amount is within the budget.
2. Negotiate to postpone or pay by installment: communicate with the borrower, explain his predicament, and request to postpone or pay by installment. Some lenders may consider offering more relaxed repayment terms.
3. Cut expenses: try to cut unnecessary expenses, so that more funds can be used for repayment. You can give priority to repaying debts with high interest rates and temporarily give up some non-essential items.
4. Help: If repayment is difficult, you can seek advice and solutions from professionals (such as debt consulting agencies). They can provide specific advice to help you deal with this situation.
5. Avoid new loans: avoid continuing to borrow and prevent further accumulation of debts.
Faced with the situation that we can't continue to borrow money and have to repay it, making repayment plans, negotiating with borrowers, cutting expenses and seeking help are several ways to solve the problem. It is important to keep a positive attitude and take measures to prevent similar situations from happening again.
Extended information related to the problem:
-The website of the People's Bank of China (www.pbc.gov.cn) provides some guidance and policy information on personal credit and lending.
-The website of China Banking Regulatory Commission (www.cbirc.gov.cn) also provides financial consumer rights protection and debt consultation information.