If it is a loan to buy a house, you must pay off the balance before you can settle down. Different urban areas have different settlement conditions, so it is recommended to contact the local housing authority to formulate settlement policies.
Conditions for buying a house and moving to an account:
To handle the house purchase transfer account, you must hold the property right certificate of the purchased house (transferred);
The purpose of the purchased house is residence (actual residence), and the property right category of the house must be private;
The applicant is the owner of the property, a resident with permanent residence in China, and the location of the house is not in agricultural registered permanent residence;
People outside the city who have paid social insurance for a certain number of years or more in the place where the house is located;
Requirements of other provinces and cities (different areas have different conditions for moving accounts).
Procedures for buying a house and moving an account:
First, apply to the local police station;
Second, the local police station agreed to move in;
Immediately after buying a house, apply for the house ownership certificate, and then bring the house ownership certificate to the neighborhood Committee where the house is located, so that the neighborhood Committee can issue a certificate of permission to move in;
Then take the certificate to the police station where the house is located to issue a certificate of consent to move in.
Third, apply to the police station where the current account is located;
Bring a good certificate to the neighborhood Committee where the account is located to issue a certificate of permission to move out, and then to the police station where the account is located to issue a certificate of permission to move out. Take the materials to the neighborhood Committee where the house is located to go through the immigration formalities, let the neighborhood Committee compile the household registration book, and then go through the immigration formalities at the location of the house with all the formalities.
Fourth, the police station where the household registration is located opens a household registration certificate;
Fifth, apply to the household administration department of the public security bureau of the moving city with the household registration certificate and relevant certification materials;
Sixth, the household administration department issued the "Permit to Move";
Seventh, return to the police station where the account is located with the "Permit to Move" and issue a transfer certificate;
Eighth, go to the local police station with the migration certificate and ID card.
After the local police station closed the house, it agreed to move in, input the material files into the microcomputer and settle down.