No conflict. As long as you ensure normal repayments and your credit report is good, it will not be affected. However, it is recommended that you take out a credit loan first and then a mortgage loan, which can help you borrow more.
Five major loan considerations:
1. Pay attention to your mobile phone number! The mobile phone number must be a real-name one. The mobile phone number must be used for more than six months. In the past, it was not possible to owe phone bills to the three major operators. The mobile phone number must be used regularly.
2. The authenticity of the loan information! To apply for a personal consumption loan, the borrower needs to provide authentic documentary information required by various lending institutions, such as the contact information of various relatives required by most lending institutions, etc. This information must not be falsified. According to the statistics of most institutions, the authenticity of the loan is doubtful. One big reason for rejection!
3. Telephone follow-up visits are very important! Those who have applied for a credit card should know that after you submit the application information, the bank will make a follow-up call to confirm the authenticity of the information. In fact, the process of applying for a loan also includes a telephone follow-up visit, but many people ignore it. I would like to remind everyone, do not take the phone call for a return visit seriously, often such small details are the real reason why your loan fails! The reason why the lending institution conducts a telephone return visit is to confirm the authenticity of the information submitted by the borrower. If the situation the bank learns through a phone call is inconsistent with the information provided by the borrower, the bank will definitely question the borrower's character and situation. At best, it will make your loan journey extremely difficult, at worst, it will not grant you the loan at all. You approve.
4. Cherish personal credit! With the improvement of the personal credit information system, its data is no longer limited to traditional operational areas such as credit records, and attention has gradually shifted to the business field of providing comprehensive social data services. Therefore, more and more lending institutions have compared the "credit" status of loan applicants through various credit reporting agencies. Once included in the "credit blacklist", the stain will be difficult to eliminate. Please cherish your personal credit.
5. Work-related information requirements: It is very difficult to apply for some high-risk industries, so you can only think of other ways. These are all high-risk industries: coal mines, construction industries, hazardous chemicals industries, aviation personnel, etc. It is best to fill in the job if you have worked for more than half a year. Salary statements, work certificates, business cards, and badges are all work-related information, and it will definitely be helpful if you can submit them.
1. You can apply for a credit loan for a house with a loan. It takes half a year to repay the house.
2. Application conditions: Chinese citizens who have a fixed residence in China, a permanent residence in a local urban area, and full capacity for civil conduct; have a legitimate and good occupation with stable economic income, and have the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on schedule ability; abide by laws and regulations, have no illegal behavior or bad credit record; repay the mortgage property for more than half a year;
3. Other conditions stipulated by the bank. The formal bank process is as follows: submit a loan application; prepare relevant materials; after the bank reviews the application materials submitted by the borrower, both parties sign a loan contract; the bank issues loans to the borrower by transfer.