1. Tell the bank to negotiate repayment and call the bank to find out the amount you need to repay and how much principal and interest you need to repay. If there is installment payment, there will be interest. How to calculate this interest must be clearly negotiated with the bank. As a customer, I have the right to know these contents. After calculating the principal and interest, the customer service will help you register according to your repayment ability and the bank's negotiation on how much principal will be repaid in each period.
2. Basically, when your credit card is overdue and you have no repayment ability, there is basically no way to negotiate, and the bank will not agree to your installment repayment request. It can be said that negotiations are generally based on the premise that you have to prepare a sum of money first, not a few percent of the arrears, and there must be an upper limit, so that subsequent installments or reductions are possible.
3. If you can't reduce it too much, can you fix the total amount owed and re-establish the installment repayment plan? Never mind whether they will agree or not, just ask your request directly.