Loan interest in the first year of construction = 1/2* loan amount in the current year * interest rate.
N+ 1 year loan interest during the construction period = total loan at the beginning of the year * interest rate+1/2* current loan amount * interest rate.
Example: The loan amount of a project is1000000 yuan, which will be invested in three years.
Loan interest in the first year of construction = 1/2* 100*0.06=3.
Loan interest for the second year of construction = (100+3) * 0.06+1/2 * 300 * 0.06 =15.18.
Loan interest in the third year of construction = (100+3+300+15.18) * 0.06+1/2 *100 * 0.06 = 28.09.
Loan interest during construction period = 3+15.18+28.09 = 46.27.