Online loans are overdue, and serious overdue loans are blacklisted, which brings great inconvenience to life. It is best to check the personal credit report 1 time at least every year, pay attention to your own credit information, regularly monitor whether there is any situation that affects your personal credit, and make up for it in time.
Extended data:
Although post-loan management is a relatively low-risk link in the loan process, it can not be ignored. Only by grasping this last line of defense and not relaxing can we truly resist the loan risk.
Post-lending inspection is an important part of post-lending management, including initial post-lending inspection, routine post-lending inspection and special post-lending inspection. The main means used are telephone, face-to-face, on-the-spot inspection, inquiring about the credit information system of the People's Bank of China, and detecting repayment account numbers.
Although overdue loans may not necessarily turn into non-performing loans, and eventually lead to impairment losses of banks. However, the sharp increase in overdue loans has caused the market to worry about the quality of credit assets of some banks.