If the cash flow is really poor and you can't pay back the money for the time being, you can apply to the bank for a grace period. Generally, if the situation is true, the bank will agree to extend the repayment date to a certain period.
2. Borrow money from relatives and friends to repay the loan.
If you are in financial difficulties, but don't want your house to be auctioned, you can borrow money from relatives and friends and repay the bank loan first. In terms of human feelings, relatives and friends may be more or less helpful.
3. Collateral is auctioned.
If you really use all means. Those who can't repay their loans have to let the bank auction their houses. Usually, the value of the auction house will be lower than the market price, and the proceeds will be repaid first, and the rest will be mine.
Legal basis: People's Republic of China (PRC) City Real Estate Management Law.
Article 36 When transferring or mortgaging real estate, the parties concerned shall register the ownership in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of this Law.
Article 62 When a real estate is mortgaged, it shall be registered with the department designated by the local people's government at or above the county level. Where the land use right and house ownership are obtained due to the disposal of mortgaged real estate, the transfer registration shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Article 44 of the Auction Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) shall specify the following items:
(1) Names and domiciles of the trustor and auctioneer.
(2) The name, specifications, quantity and quality of the auction target;
(3) The reserve price proposed by the client;
(4) Time and place of auction;
(five) the time and method of delivery or transfer of the auction target;
(6) Commission, payment method and time limit;
(seven) payment method and time limit;
(8) Liability for breach of contract;
(9) Other matters agreed by both parties.