This means that the part you need to pay back (the principal and the previously unpaid interest) still exists. The bank will continue to charge you interest until you pay it off in full. If you fail to repay the loan many times, it may affect your credit score and even be regarded as a loan default.
To determine whether the loan is outstanding, you can check the loan information records such as bank account or Alipay. On your account page, banks usually indicate "outstanding" or "overdue" on loans. In addition, for some loan products, the bank will also tell you whether the loan is overdue when sending a dunning letter.
If you are not sure whether to repay the loan within the loan period, please contact the bank or Alipay customer service as soon as possible to avoid higher interest and fines.
If you find that you have outstanding loans, you should take immediate measures. First of all, you need to try your best to pay off your debts or negotiate with the bank to make a repayment plan. In this case, the bank may offer the option of allowing repayment by installments to help you reduce the repayment burden.
If you can't repay all the debts, you should try your best to repay some of the loans. The bank will calculate the loan balance that still needs to be paid after paying part of the loan amount. After that, you still need to pay the balance and interest on time to avoid further late fees and interest. If you pay too much overdue, the bank may take legal action to recover the loan, which may cause you bad credit accumulation and long-term economic consequences.