Foreign banks (55)
Citibank swiftcode code: CITICNSX
Bank of JPMorgan Chase swiftcode: CHASCN22
Morgan Stanley international bank swiftcode: MSBKCN2
Bank of America swiftcode: BOFACN
Bank of Montreal swiftcode code: BOFMCNBJ
Royal bank of Canada swift code: ROYCCNBJ
Swiftcode code of Swiss bank: UBSWCNBJ
Credit suisse swiftcode code: CRESCNSH
Barclays bank swiftcode code: BARCCNSH
German bank swiftcode code: DEUTCNBJ
Nord bank swiftcode code: NOLACNSH
Bank of Sao Paulo, Italy swiftcode code: BCITCNSH
Societe Generale swiftcode: SGCLCNBJ
BNP Paribas swiftcode code: BNPACN
Hsbc swiftcode code: CRLYCNSH
French foreign trade bank swiftcode: NATXCNSH (western bank)
Swiftcode code of Union Bank of Belgium: KREDCNSX
Swiftcode code of An Zhi Bank, Netherlands: INGBCNSH
Dutch cooperative bank swiftcode: RABOCNSH (Rabobank)
Royal Bank of Scotland Swiftcode: ABN Amro was acquired by RFSHoldings in June+10, 2007, and China Banking Regulatory Commission approved ABN Amro (China) Co., Ltd. to be renamed Royal Bank of Scotland (China) in late May +00, 2065.
Swiftcode code of Scandinavian bank of Sweden: ESSECNSH
Swiftcode code of New Australia Bank: ANZBCNSH (Bank of Australia and New Zealand)
Westpac bank of Australia swiftcode: WPACNSX
Hsbc swiftcode code: HSBCNSH
Bank of east Asia swiftcode code: BEASCNSH
Hang seng bank swift code: HASECNSH
Scum bank swiftcode: SCBLCNSX
Swiftcode code of chiyu banking corporation limited Co., Ltd.: CIYUCNBA