No one can accurately predict the exchange rate trend. Whether it is short-term or long-term, exchange rate inaccuracy is inevitable, and two-way fluctuation is the norm. The meeting emphasized that enterprises and financial institutions should actively adapt to the two-way fluctuation of exchange rate. Enterprises should focus on their main business, establish the concept of "risk neutrality", avoid "speculating foreign exchange" that deviates from risk neutrality, and don't bet on the appreciation or depreciation of RMB exchange rate. Gambling for a long time will lose.
Strictly speaking, there are only gold and silver in the real world. Since the 1930s, during the decades-long development of the global economy, the currencies of some countries and regions have gradually become international currencies due to their economic influence, such as the US dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound. 20 16 10 1, the RMB was officially included in the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) currency basket of the International Monetary Fund. In international trade, gold and silver are not easy to circulate as the world currency, which requires an internationally recognized common currency to do transactions. A country sells its goods to other countries in exchange for foreign exchange; Importing goods from other countries requires the use of foreign exchange. To maintain the steady growth of import and export trade, it is especially necessary to maintain a certain amount of foreign exchange reserves. The main functions of foreign exchange reserves are as follows: (1) regulating international payments and ensuring external payments; (2) Intervene in the foreign exchange market and stabilize the local currency exchange rate; (3) Maintaining international reputation and improving external financing ability; (4) Enhance comprehensive national strength and risk resistance.