1. Price forecast refers to the trend direction of our expected future market. This is a crucial first step in the process of market decision-making. By forecasting, traders decide whether to be bullish or bearish, thus answering our basic question: should we enter the market with bulls or bears? (GCT Cheng Hui Platform)
2. Trading strategy, or timing, to determine the specific entry point and exit point. In foreign exchange transactions, timing is also crucial. Because foreign exchange trading has the characteristics of low margin requirement (high leverage ratio), we don't have much room for manoeuvre to make up for our mistakes. Although we have correctly judged the direction of the market, we may still suffer losses if we choose the wrong time to enter the market. In essence, the issue of timing is almost entirely technical. Therefore, even basic analytical traders still need technical tools at the moment of determining the specific entry and exit points.
3. Fund management refers to the allocation of funds. These include the design of portfolio, diversified arrangements, how much funds should be allocated to invest or take risks in various markets, the balance of return-risk ratio, what measures should be taken after the success stage or the setback stage, and whether to choose a conservative and steady trading model or a bold and positive model.