The latest exchange rate of RMB against Tianjin currency today (202 1- 10-29) (CNY/ Zimbabwe zwl):
1 RMB =50.229 Jin (1 Jin =0.0 199 1 RMB). Equivalent to 500,000 Jin.
Here are some data from Zimbabwe:
Real GDP growth -8%
The gross domestic product (GDP) is 210.04 billion USD.
Gross domestic product (based on purchasing power parity) is 39.82 billion international dollars.
Per capita GDP is 65438+385 USD.
Per capita GDP (based on purchasing power parity) 622 international yuan
Current account balance (USD) 1 billion USD
It accounts for 4.7% of the current account balance of GDP.
The total government debt is 88.9%
The poverty rate is 39.5%
International reserve is 33,405,021USD.
Inflation in Zimbabwe has reached 50% in the past month, which means that every Zimbabwe dollar is depreciating. Last year, Zimbabwe's CPI reached 557.2%. At present, Zimbabwe has started trading in dollars again.
Prices in Zimbabwe are getting higher and higher, but money is getting less and less. Inflation is unbearable for many people. Zimbabwe, located in Africa, is absolutely deeply touched. A banknote with a face value of100,000 Zimbabwe dollars can only be exchanged for10.5 dollars, while it costs130,000 Zimbabwe dollars to buy a chicken in Zimbabwe, and homeless people have to pick up garbage for at least two months.