Today is 2 days
4EAE forever
Any day now
As far as I know, Afaque
AFK away from the keyboard
Current ATMs
B/C because
Before B4
See you now, BFN
BOL will play later
BRB will be right back.
By the way
DM direct message
DWBH, don't worry, be happy.
Face to face F2F or FTF
FB Facebook
FF Follow Friday (Follow Friday) is a recurring topic on Twitter. Every week, users use the tag #FF or #FollowFriday to publish a list of people they think others should pay attention to. )
Failed FTL
Fight for victory
FWB is a good friend
It is worth mentioning that
FYEO only shows you.
for reference only
GLHF, good luck and have fun.
GR8 is great.
HAK hugs and kisses
Have a nice day.
What is prompted or heard (usually news or information links)
I hope this is helpful/willing to help.
IANAL, I'm not a lawyer.
IDK, I don't know
IIRC, if I remember correctly.
IKR, I know, right?
ILY/ILU I love you.
In my honest opinion/humble opinion.
In my opinion
IRL in real life
IU2U, it's up to you.
IYKWIM, if you know what I mean.
just kidding
J4F is just for fun.
JIC, just in case
You need to know
Is k or KK ok?
LMBO laughed his head off.
LMK let me know
Laugh out loud
Music Monday. Another recurring Twitter topic. In this case, users will release one or two songs to get your week off to a better start.
MSM mainstream media
NAGI is not a good idea.
it doesn't matter
NMU is not much, and you?
NP is ok or playing (for example, "My MP3 stream is playing LMFAO's party rock". )
NSFW is not working safely. If this is an attached link, it is strongly recommended that you do not view it in the workplace or any other inappropriate place.
NSFL is not safe for life. It is usually a humorous disclaimer. If you click on the link, something that was originally innocent will be irretrievably defiled.
NTS's note to himself
I overheard it
Oh, my god.
ORLY: Oh, really?
Paw parents are watching.
Please go to PLZ
the people
PTB, please reply.
QQ cried. This is not an abbreviation, but an emoticon, a picture created with words. The tail of a capital Q forms tears, while the circle is an eye. Saying "QQ" loudly can also imitate someone's "meowing" when they are unhappy. Usually used for irony or contempt.
RAK's random act of kindness
RL real life
Rove rolled on the ground with laughter.
RT forwarding. Similar to forwarding emails, Twitter allows you to respond to other people's tweets for your own followers to read. In some cases, people will ask for details of what they have said by saying "please say" or "please say".
RUOK, are you okay? #RUOK is a frequent hot topic in Australia, after the Australian government launched an activity called "RUOK day" to raise awareness of mental health issues on social networking sites.
SMH shook his head.
Very seriously
SSDD same thing, different day.
SWAK sealed with a kiss
SWYP: So, what's your problem?
TIA thanks in advance.
Time tears in my eyes.
TMB went back to my Weibo.
TMI has too much information.
Tomorrow's TMRW
Talk to you later
Thai or map, please.
VSF is sad.
welcome back
WTH, what the hell?
WTPA, where will the party be held?
Will you call me?
YGM: You have an email (remind your texting partner that you have contacted them through that old-fashioned email. That's soooo 2001! )
YMMV Your mileage may vary.
YW you're welcome
ZOMG Oh, my God (sarcastic)