2-month swap rate 15/20
The spot exchange rate is USD /HKD 7.75 10/ 15.
2-month swap rate 10/ 15
Calculation: 2-month forward exchange rate of Swiss franc /HKD.
Solution: The two-month forward exchange rate of USD/CHF is 1.0870/80.
The two-month forward exchange rate of USD /HKD is 7.7520/30.
Swiss franc /HKD two-month forward exchange rate: 7. 1250/7. 1325.
2. The spot exchange rate EUR/USD = 1.3700/ 10,
Euro 90-day interest rate: 3.00% ~ 3.50%
90-day interest rate of USD: 8.00% ~ 8.50%
Please calculate the 3-month forward exchange rate of Euro/USD.
1.37+ 1.37*((0.08-0.03)/ 12)*3= 1.387 1
Similar price: 1.438+0.
Therefore, the three-month forward exchange rate of Euro/USD is 1.3 1/8 1.